Investor Relations


LWSA is nowadays an example of a company capable of keeping up with the dynamism of the technology and e-commerce market. This can be seen by its evolution since the beginning of the 2000s, when it went from a Hosting company to a Software as a Service (SaaS) business and e-commerce platforms and in recent years we have advanced towards the strategy that we understand to be the winner in this market, the construction of a robust Ecosystem that is present throughout the entire journey of our customers.

  1. 1998

    Locaweb was founded as a simple and straightforward solution for clients searching for digital presence: “Do you want to have a website? Register here”. During this time, Locaweb grew so quickly that it conquered its first 1,000 clients and identified the need for new servers already in the following year.

  2. 2000

    The Internet bubble” burst around the world, but Locaweb was not affected and gained even more clients, reaching 10,000 by the end of the year.

  3. 2003

    Locaweb began to offer data center solutions and e-mail services to the market, attracting companies of all sizes. The product was offered by Locaweb IDC (Internet Data Center), which was established prior to the current company, Nextios.

  4. 2006

    Locaweb invested in IP Communication and in the construction of its first own data center, which had the capacity for 4,000 servers. Locaweb also expanded its offices and reached a total of 300 employees.

  5. 2008

    Locaweb innovated with its cloud computing platform, which made entire physical machine servers virtua.

  6. 2010

    A year that marked the entry of SilverLake as an investor in Locaweb, consequently resulting in the increase of the company’s operations. Locaweb launched its second data center, with a capacity for 25,000 servers, being one of the largest in Latin America.

  7. 2012

    Locaweb entered, for the first time, the Guia Você S/A ranking as one of the 150 Best Companies to Work for.

  8. 2012

    Locaweb began its acquisition strategy with the purchase of Tray, enabling its entry into the e-commerce market.

  9. 2013

    Locaweb celebrated its 15th anniversary in grand style by making another acquisition: AlliN, a digital relationship marketing platform.

  10. 2014

    For the first time in its history, Locaweb entered the “Great Place to Work! – Brazilian IT and Telecom ranking. The company also launched the Tray Corp platform, focused on corporate clients

  11. 2015

    Locaweb launched its Website Creator product, which was developed to help clients create websites in just a few clicks through a “drag and drop” element system, in addition to offering an image bank, e-mail address and support whenever needed.

  12. 2016

    Tray strengthened its market share with the acquisition of FBITS, a robust e-commerce solution aimed at large online operations.

  13. 2017

    We launched Cloud VPS, a private virtualized server with processing, traffic, hard disk space and storage fully allocated to each specific server.

  14. 2018

    We have celebrated 20 years of history and, following the view of strengthening the strategy of acquisitions, we have become part of a company specialized in means of payments, the YAPAY.

  15. 2019

    Locaweb advanced in its plans to enter new segments, growing both organically and through the announcement of two additional acquisitions: King Host, one of the largest Internet services and website hosting companies in Brazil, and Delivery Direto, a SAAS solutions company that supports restaurants in all their management and delivery operations.

  16. 2020

    We joined the Brazilian stock exchange.

    Nextios, an evolution of Locaweb Corp, was created to assist companies with customized technology services.

    Five M&As movements: Social Miner, Etus, Ideris, Melhor Envio and Vindi

  17. 2020

    We have acquired four more units: Social Miner, specialized in increasing e-commerce sales using big data, machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Etus, a comprehensive platform for social media management and digital marketing. Melhor Envio, a freight solution to find more competitive options and optimize the logistics management for small and medium-sized online merchants. And Ideris, a complete marketplace integrator to manage e-commerce operations, allowing sales on major channels and result optimization.

  18. 2021

    The year started on fire and as early as January, we acquired ConectPlug, a complete enterprise management company for entrepreneurs. We also acquired Dooca, a platform of virtual stores focused on SMEs. And Credisfera, which offers credit solutions for SMEs. And it didn’t stop there: Samurai, Bling, Pagcerto, Bagy and Octadesk also joined the team to strengthen the E-commerce and Relationship arm!

  19. 2022

    Continuing with the 2021 acquisitions, we acquired Síntese, a platform specialized in omnichannel solutions to reinforce our E-commerce portfolio and improve the retail digitalization.

  20. 2022

    In October, we held our first Investor Day, which was awarded second best Investor Day by Institutional Investor in the Technology, Media and Telecommunications category.

  21. 2023

    Launched in April, through the combination of 6 acquired companies, Wake aims to consolidate the strategy of E-commerce platform solutions for large retailers to boost their business.